Dear Nelson,
I think you have written this beautifully and presented the goal well. I only hope people can slow down from their busy lives to pay attention to the rapidity of the global disintegration and realize that making money is a fool’s game. Creation, preservation, conservation, and replanting and replacing all that has been lost is our only hope to survive as a species. Bonne chance!
Donate to the Folk Opera
NEWS ITEM: A Donor will match all grants until we reach our combined goal of $30,000. Please donate what you can today!
You can be a part of this new folk opera on Ecuador's constitutional rights for nature by contacting Nelson Denman, 808-987-2731, orPhoto by Richard Batchelder
What supporters are saying:
Beautiful show, Nelson! Your versatile music with Consuelo and Lisa was marvelous.
JesseA beautiful evening at the Loretto Chapel last night with cellist Nelson Denman, songbird Consuelo Luz and guitarist Joaquin Gallegos.
CarolynNelson’s music opens doors of consciousness, singing the oneness of the Earth and her wonders. His voice spans borders and human differences. Using humor, vitality, good information, true spirit and his gifted hands.
Boz ScaggsSinger and SongwriterNels-thank you for a gorgeous afternoon with you, Beethoven and the Kamuela Philharmonic orchestra!
NancyDear Nelson, I think you have written this beautifully and presented the goal well. I only hope people can slow down from their busy lives to pay attention to the rapidity of the global disintegration and realize that making money is a fool’s game. Creation, preservation, conservation, and replanting and replacing all that has been lost is our only hope to survive as a species. Bonne chance!