Donate to the Folk Opera
NEWS ITEM: A Donor will match all grants until we reach our combined goal of $30,000. Please donate what you can today!
You can be a part of this new folk opera on Ecuador's constitutional rights for nature by contacting Nelson Denman, 808-987-2731, orPhoto by Richard Batchelder
What supporters are saying:
Nels-thank you for a gorgeous afternoon with you, Beethoven and the Kamuela Philharmonic orchestra!
NancyNelson’s music opens doors of consciousness, singing the oneness of the Earth and her wonders. His voice spans borders and human differences. Using humor, vitality, good information, true spirit and his gifted hands.
Boz ScaggsSinger and SongwriterBeautiful show, Nelson! Your versatile music with Consuelo and Lisa was marvelous.
JesseDear Nelson, I think you have written this beautifully and presented the goal well. I only hope people can slow down from their busy lives to pay attention to the rapidity of the global disintegration and realize that making money is a fool’s game. Creation, preservation, conservation, and replanting and replacing all that has been lost is our only hope to survive as a species. Bonne chance!
A beautiful evening at the Loretto Chapel last night with cellist Nelson Denman, songbird Consuelo Luz and guitarist Joaquin Gallegos.
Vilcabamba cancion
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NY Judge rules Chevron doesn’t have to pay!…?
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Tagged Chevron, injustice, oil pits, oil spill, Rights of Nature, toxic pollution in Ecuador, unfair ruling
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The “Rights of Nature” Folk Opera Funding Opportunity
This is a fundraising video for my folk opera that I am writing and composing, entitled: “The Rights of Nature.” I am looking for financial assistance and donations for this worthy project.
At the right is a PayPal donation link which goes directly into my account for this project. The phases of the project and projected funding required is at this page here. If you’d rather send a check, please contact me at this email: Or call me! 808-987-2731.
Thank You & Blessings to All Our Relations!
Nelson’s music opens doors of consciousness, singing the oneness of the Earth and her wonders. His voice spans borders and human differences. Using humor, vitality, good information, true spirit and his gifted hands.
–Boz Scaggs, Singer, Songwriter
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Rights of Nature and Mother Earth
Winona LaDuke has a viewpoint you won’t want to miss, on how Native peoples often pay the price for huge mineral and fossil fuel companies having their way with the Earth.
She writes in an article on The Progressive:
The DeBeers mining company has invaded the Cree territory of the far north of Canada’s James Bay, pulling $5 billion worth of diamonds out annually, and relegating the Cree people to Third World conditions. Their water is contaminated, and a plague of scabies and impetigo has hit the tribe.
But the extremists who would destroy the Earth have not recognized the power of people and resistance.
In Canada, the “Idle No More” campaign emerged in the depth of winter, and this spring, has taken root, as First Nations stand against the Harper administration and the corporations.
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Rights of Nature and the Green Economy
Click to read “At the Crossroads Between the ‘Green Economy’ and Rights of Nature” by Pablo Solón:
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